I sat facing my new laptop & typed. My fingers hit the keys one by one. Suddenly I heard my mom calling me for breakfast, I asked her “what is for breakfast”? “Toast, doughnuts & eggs” mom replied
I have been thinking I told my mom at the breakfast table, what can we do for Haiti? I said I feel horrible for the earthquake that happened in the country Haiti. Besides, it is the poorest on our side of the planet.
My mom said that my friend Cleo was supporting the country by going through all her stuffed animals & giving the ones she doesn’t want & giving them to Haiti.
I grinned at my ma & I knew what I could do, I would give Haiti at least $200 in cash from my bank account. I thought it was a great idea, but my dad didn’t think it was a good idea at all.

Hmm I muttered to myself I knew what Alden’s school could do for Haiti. The kids could bring in money, clothes, food, toys, medication and blankets and they all did. I knew that Haiti was being helped.
I ran upstairs to my room & typed with hope.
I typed and edited it seven times, the words:
Come to my Help Haiti party! From 11:00 to 7:00 at my house and definitely bring help for Haiti.
I ran downstairs and showed my mom the piece of paper that I had printed out. She read it and she agreed for the party to happen.
All the people I invited showed up at my party. They each brought at least five items to help Haiti. I said to everyone that showed up, “Thanks for supporting my party and definitely Haiti.” I smiled and waved at my friends as they walked out the door.
The next day, my family was ready to box up the stuff that we got for Haiti and ship it away for free. When I looked at the truck, it looked WAY heavier than usual. As I turned around the truck drove around the corner and I felt the best I could for Haiti.
Our school is doing a support for Haiti. And I am pretty sure that many other schools are too.
I believe in ourselves, the people of the United States to save Haiti.
Please help Haiti and pray for them. Because they need our help.
That IS my dream. This week, me and my friend Sophie are going to look through my stuff and decide what I don’t need and what might be helpful for Haiti. I am doing my part. Please do your part too.
A Note From Maxine's Mom:
I am including a list of link's to organizations and news stories that provide information on how to best help the people of Haiti.
From the LA Times
The American Red Cross
World Vision
Children's Hunger Relief Fund
Obama, former Presidents Clinton and Bush on the recovery effort in Haiti
Help For Haiti - Find Out What You Can Do