A is for Hank Aaron a baseball player who broke Babe Ruth's homerun record. People made death threats to him because of this.
B is for Barack Obama, the current president of the United States and the first black man to be president.
C is for Coretta Scott King. She was Martin Luther King's wife. She helped to make Martin Luther King's birthday a national holiday.
D is for Frederick Douglass, a slave who wrote a book about being a slave and he was friends with A. Lincoln. He also escaped slavery by jumping on a train dressed in a sailor suit. Pretty amazing, huh?
E is for Emancipation Proclamation, an order by Abraham Lincoln during the Civil War that said the Confederate States had to set the slaves if the didn't return to be part of the United States.
G is for George Washington Carver. GWC was the peanut man. He made many products from peanuts and was an inventor. He even made 105 recipes using peanuts.
H is for Henry Box Brown, a man who escaped from slavery in a box
I is for I Have a Dream, a speech given by MLK Jr. that said that one day he would like all children to hold hands together regardless of the color of their skin.
J is for Michael Jackson. He was a famous black singer. He was part of the music group the Jackson 5 when he was a young boy.
K is for Martin Luther King, Jr. He was an activist who fought in the Civil Rights movement. He thought things could be solved in peace. He was assasinated by James Earl Ray before his dream came true.
L is for Joe Louis, a boxer who won the heavy weight boxing title in 1937
M is for Michelle Obama the first black woman to be the First Lady of the United States.
N is for the NAACP: National Association for the advancement of colored people
O is for Jesse Owens. He won four gold medals in the Olympics of 1936 for track and field.
P is for Rosa Parks, a black women arrested for not giving up her seat on the bus. I saw the bus at the Henry Ford Museum in Dearborn, Michigan.
Q is for Queen Latifah. She is a famous black singer, actress and rapper. She has won many awards.
R is for Jackie Robison, the first black professional baseball player.
S is for Slavery. Africans were taken from their familys and homes and shipped to the USA where they were bought and sold.
T is for Harriet Tubman, the leader of the Underground railroad
U is for the Underground Railroad, a plan to get slaves to the North so they could be free. A lot of people risked their lives to help the slaves escape. And a lot of slaves risked their lives to be free.
V is for Venus Williams. Venus is a tennis player. She became one of the two youngest tennis stars in America when her sister and her started winning matches on the courts.
W is for Maxine Waters, a congress woman from California. She is the seniorest black woman in congress. She also has the same name as me which makes her cool.
X is for Malcom X, a minister and activist just like Martin Luther King, Jr. He thought that in order to get the job done you didn't have to do it peacefully.
Y is for York, the only black man involved in the Lewis and Clark expedition.
Z is for Zora Neale Hurston. She was an author of many books and short stories, including Their Eyes Were Watching God.