Monday, February 15, 2010

New blog!

   My friends Sophia, Emily and I have a new blog called fathers and bothers.  Our first idea is a underwear war but that might not happen.  We came up with the idea for fathers and bothers early 2008.  The main idea of this blog is driving brothers CRAZY and calling them bothers. 
So if u wanna check out our blog go to to be the first follower and more!

Maxine, Sophia and Emily


  1. "Bothers" is probably a good name for your brothers for now. And how lucky you are to have such nice fathers. But what is an "Underwear War"?
    What fun you three girls have. Good friends are special.
    Love you, Max, and your three friends. What a treat you are.

  2. A unerwear war is where we get in our undergarments and fight! But still it might not happen!
