Abe Lincoln: A Life
Table of Contents
Dedication p.1
Introduction p. 2
Reading and Growing p. 3
Maried p. 4
President please p. 5
J.W.B. Trying pgs. 6-7
Sobing By a train p. 8
The 2 Scary Facts Pgs. 9 and 10
All About the Author p. 11
Dedicated to my loving and crazy dad, John
Lincoln's Path: Childhood, Slaves Sold, Just Married, Lost Children, Becoming President
This book is only about Lincolns life and the last 3 days he spent after his death. Lincoln was one of our best presidents. Plus he's my favorite president. Lincoln changed America and put a stop to slavery. That is just what you will learn about in this book. You will learn about his childhood, his wife, his Presidency and even his death. So to learn more about Lincoln read this book.
Reading and Growing
Lincoln was born the day of Feb. 12th 1809. He was a playful child although everyone thought he was longleged. But they believed he was a helthy baby boy.
After Abe there was another baby named Thomas after his father. But he grew very ill and died. When Abe was just ten his mother died of Milk sickness. Abe did not want a new mother but he still got a new mother named Sarah.
Abe sat and saw the girl of his dreams her name was Marry Tood Lincoln. Although she was much shorten than Lincoln soon they were in love.
One hot summer Abe asked her hand in marige and she actsepted soon they were maried.
President Please
Lincoln sat in his living room in Springfield Illinos and waited while his wife Marry packed for the trip to Washington.
Moments later the carige was filled and they were on their way.
Next thing Lincoln was standing in front of the Washington Memorial with Steven Douglas. Then a man came out and anounced the name of the new president...It was Lincoln he was the new President.
J.W.B Trying
Fords Theter: Fly Away!
Many people in the South didn't like Lincoln especially John Wilks Booth. Him and his gang was despret to kidnap or murder the president. The president didn't know.
People in the South belived that Booth could do it. And soon Booth did.
All his plans to get near the President failed. But this one didn't. It worked!
He would sneak into Fords theter where Lincoln and family would be watching My American Cousin and murder the president.
So he snuck in the backdoor and asked an employee if he could sneak past the scenery behing the stage but that was impossible! So he was lead to a trap door that went under and out the stage on the other side.
But soon Booth was walking towrd the stairs that lead to the presidents box and he was now in the presidents box no one knows what Booth showed the man to get in the box no historian ever found it out.
He saw a door behind him and with his key he unlocked it and steped inside untill just the right time to murder. Soon he snuck out aimed. Boom the wild eyed president was bleading.
"His faith will live on forever." Marry said.
Peace was found for slaves. But only 5 days of the peace for Lincoln.
Sobing By a train
Lincolns body was to ship off to Springfield Illinois. It would take three days but it was still going to go on.
People came from around the country to see the train.
People were sobing by a train.
Fun Facts
Did you know that when Booth was just 26 he was shot and killed in a barnfire. Thats scary!
Did you know? A while after the assassination that two men tried to steal the toom of Lincoln and sell it for 1 hundred dollers but that never happend.
All About the Author
Maxine Tewsley lives in Milan, Mi. She is a dancer. She is a big history lover and her mom call her a big history buff. She dances competitivly and can do a leap and the splits! She also has a super loco brother.
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